It seems like award buzz starts later and later every year. I guess the movie watching public always forgets how unfunny the previous Oscars were, and thus looks to what the studios put out to sell tickets, reboots and threeboots of comic book-based films and remakes of the worst films in history. Thankfully, now that we're heading into late november, we can start talking about the every-shrinking field of the for your consideration studio films. Really that's all we can talk about aside from the changes to the actual Oscars themselves.

I have to first say though, I was excited to hear the probable Oscar host is Seth MacFarlane, not an a-typical choice, but a popular one nonetheless. I can absolutely imagine his insult humor bringing in a wider audience then the typical Whoopi/Billy/Martin/John Stewart crowd. The Globes went a different way, going with Amy Poehler and Tina Fey, both of which will probably be nominees for TV, but they won't bring in a new audience then who is already watching, the middle aged women who are upset there is no Desperate Housewives and Good Wife on tonight. I'm happy to say the Oscars won the host bid, but the Globes may have potentially lost some more decisive press for the pre Oscar season, as the Academy will be announcing it's nominees BEFORE the Globes are announced.
Honestly, good riddance, it will make it harder for suckas like me to predict what will be nominated, but it gives the globes more reason to make it's own name, rather than just "the prelude to the Oscars." But the Globes should try to take themselves more seriously, (or completely sell out and get Aaaaarrrnold Schwartzeneagar as the new host).
More about the films later, but for now, let's celebrate the potential rebounding of the Oscars and the for your consideration films (hanging in the balance of a huge maybe).
Well, let's get this party started; "The Master" is an overblown piece of great filmmaking hiding behind a pathetic script. "Argo" should win Best Picture if voting were done today. And Alan Arkin should win best supporting again hands down. Loved Seth on SNL...I think he might be really good. Amy and Tina? Love them and I'm sure the script will rock. So, go "Argo" and am looking forward to "Lincoln" and "Cloud Atlas" and "Le Miz" and "The Sessions" and hope that the Academy remembers "The Avengers"!